Open Adoption Planning & Support
Open Adoption Planning Services are designed for expectant and adopting parents who are currently matched and preparing for an adoptive placement and/or for those who may already
have a connection through adoption as birth parents, adopted child(ren), and adoptive family.
This service is most beneficial to prospective or current birth and adoptive families who desire
to have direct, fully open and honest communication as well as relationships with one another.
In addition, those who are committed to creating caring, respectful relationships starting during the "match" period and continuing long after the adoptive placement.
Open adoption planning services are a combination of individual & joint sessions facilitated by
the adoption counselor between the expectant/ birth and adopting/adoptive parents with a focus on understanding various components of open adoption, relationship building, and planning ongoing contact & connections. This service also includes the discussion and creation of a detailed Open Adoption Agreement.
Pre-Placement Advocacy & Support
During adoption process / "match" period, expectant parents will be provided the following:
Information on the types of adoption and the impact, levels of openness, the benefits of fully open adoptions, and understanding of her rights when making an adoption plan.
Support for the emotional experience in the adoption process and life-long impact - i.e. understanding and preparing for grief & loss experience, empowerment to make informed and personalized choices, etc.
Detailed discussion regarding your wishes for the hospital, birth, and placement experience. Counselor will assist with outlining a tentative hospital and birth plan to be shared with adopting family, adoption agency/attorney, and hospital. In addition, counselor will facilitate a joint session with adoptive family in order to share your wishes, to ensure mutual understanding, and to discuss other topics related to adoption plan. This may include information on hospital policies, adoptive parents' travel plans home after placement, planning for a visit(s) before adoptive family travels home, etc.
Support in strengthening relationships - i.e. exploring ways to talk to your child(ren) you may already be parenting and/or loved ones about adoption plan, enhancing your support system, etc.
Preparation for transition back into life /daily living after adoptive placement
Post-Placement Support
After an adoptive placement, birth parents will be provided the following:
Support for the emotional experience in the adoption process and life-long impact.
Support in healing and coping with grief & loss related to the adoption experience - i.e. Learning & applying healthy coping skills, exploring ways to manage grief & loss, etc.
Support in transitioning into role as birth mother i.e. Self exploration and discovery, identifying personal goals & goal setting, building self-esteem/confidence -
Support in strengthening relationships - i.e. sharing adoption experience with loved ones, building up support system, creating healthy relationships and boundaries, etc.
Expectant and birth parents are provided an adoption-related book, journal with journal prompts, informational and support handouts, as well as resource list for groups & on-line support to be used during services and/or in the future.

Expectant/Birth Parent Emotional Support & Coaching

Adoption Coaching & Parenting Support
Individualized support for adopting or adoptive parents preparing for and/or navigate parenthood, navigating contact & "matching" with expectant parents as well as addressing various topics related to the lifelong experience of adoption.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Understanding open adoption and the process - i.e. open adoption 101, benefits of open adoption, preparing for the hospital stay & birth, building relationships with expectant parents pre-adoptive placement (during "match" period), legal process in adoption, etc.
Adoptive parenting considerations - i.e. talking to your child about adoption, child development, adoption & school issues, etc.
Navigating openness with your child's birth family - i.e. understanding open adoption, managing open relationships, boundary setting, birth parent search & reunion, etc.
Coping with infertility and the impact on the adoption process/experience
Trans-racial adoption and parenting considerations
Understanding grief & loss in the adoption experience as well as ways to support your child's needs
Parenting your teen - i.e. fostering secure identity formation, how to share sensitive information about his/her adoption story, etc
Preparing your child for the transition into adulthood